Useful links
Department of Fair Trading
This website has detailed information on planning and understanding all property types, finance and the sale process whether it be with or without the representation of an agent.
Revenue NSW
When you buy a property in NSW, you may have to pay taxes and duties. This website sets out some of the more common ones as well as their process for assessing them.
Sutherland Shire Council - Development Tracker
If you want to check on development such as surrounding development or development status for the land you want to buy.
Sutherland Shire Council - Access to documents
On this section of the SSC council’s website, you can apply to access to documents and plans relating to a property lodged with Council
Sutherland Shire Council - Pool Registrations
Self register your pool online or access the site's self assessment checklists to assist with safety questions at the time of registration.
Sutherland Shire Council - Maps & Zoning
This website provides aerial shots since 1930, zoning maps, planning maps, bush fire prone land, flood prone land and other maps.
Sutherland Shire Council - Exempt Development
Gives information on exempt development which is minor work that has little environmental impact which can be done without approval.
Sutherland Shire Council - Complying Development
Gives information on residential, commercial and industrial development can be approved as complying development.
Planning Portal NSW
A digital space where community, industry and government can work together to better understand and meet their obligations under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979.